Szanowny Panie Redaktorze,
Z przykrością muszę Pana poinformować, że relacje, które Pan zamieścił na swojej stronie internetowej dot. obchodów Dnia Pamięci Żołnierzy Niezłomnych, są nie do końca prawdziwe i rzetelne. Proszę Pana, to święto jest bardzo ważne i bliskie mojemu sercu, jak również członkom naszej organizacji.
Kiedy wymienia Pan organizatorów tej uroczystości, wszystkich gości oraz tych, którzy złożyli kwiaty, i tym razem Pan zapomniał dopisać, że kwiaty również składała Polonia dla Prawa i Sprawiedliwości w Toronto.
Proszę Pana, musi Pan wiedzieć, że nie przyszliśmy tam pod pomnik dla Pana!!! Następna sprawa, list od córki rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego czytałam ja, a ja, proszę Pana, mam imię i nazwisko i nie nazywam się Jabłońska, tylko Małgorzata Karbowska.
Pani Zofia Pilecka również posługuje się nazwiskiem dwuczłonowym.
Biorąc pod uwagę to wszystko, co Pan zaprezentował jako sprawozdanie z tak ważnego święta, pozwoli Pan, że opinie zachowam dla siebie.
Wierzę głęboko, że wszystkie niejasności zostaną zrekompensowane.
Jeszcze chciałam coś Panu podpowiedzieć, o czym być może Pan zapomniał, PRAWDA TO WOLNOŚĆ!
Małgorzata Karbowska
Od redakcji: Szanowna Pani, przepraszam za pominięcie i przekręcenie, tak usłyszałem zapowiedź. Było zimno, padał śnieg, nie działało nagłośnienie. Nie mieli Państwo żadnej tablicy, transparentu ani informacji dla prasy. Opinię, bardzo słusznie, niech Pani zachowa dla siebie. Ja również to zrobię. Pozdrawiam serdecznie Andrzej Kumor.
Przedstawiamy Państwu dzisiaj wymianę korespondencji w sprawie skandalicznego programu edukacji seksualnej w Ontario, nadesłaną przez p. Sławka Zinkiewicza, parafianina św. Maksymiliana Kolbego, trzykrotnego prezesa grupy młodzieżowej "Kolbe" przy parafii św. M. Kolbego, członka rady parafialnej, kościoła domowego.
26 lutego ok. godz.18.10 byłem świadkiem audycji stacji CFRB1010, o której piszę poniżej w liście do Ezry Levanta.
Hello Mr. Levant!
I thought I would let you know what is happening in our community.
On Feb 26th, at around 6:10 p.m., a radio station CFRB1010 aired a talk-show and a speech by Premier Kathleen Wynne. In that speech, she called the protesters at the Parliament homophobic! I am disgusted with her slurs and cannot believe that Premier of Ontario would discriminate against her own citizens. Premier's comments are hurtful and offensive. My greatest concern is what this says about the status of free speech and free assembly in this country? I feel deeply disgusted and offended!
Instead of answering serious questions and concerns raised in connection with her new policies, Premier just called protesters homophobes.
She has not listened to the people; she did not take time to answer questions and concerns and immediately started to call protesters names.
This is entirely unacceptable. Is this how Premier intends to consult parents on all sensitive subjects and how she had consulted parents on the curriculum before its introduction?
List do posłanki do Legislatury Ontario Cheri DiNovo z partii NDP, która reprezentuje okręg p Zinkiewicza.
Please respect the parents’ rights to say no, instead of thinking the government knows better, than the people who gave these children life. You were chosen to represent these people, not tell us what you think is better for your voters. We have a voice and we want it heard!
I will vote accordingly so will thousands of my friends and organizations. If you really agree with this s_x curriculum I am very confident that this issue will be the beginning of the end of your political career.
I respect you as a person and promise to pray, but the truth must be said, let’s start truly practicing what democratic politics are.
Thank you,
Slawek Zinkiewicz
I odpowiedź sekretarza posłanki:
As a United Church minister, MPP Cheri DiNovo supports the modernization of the curriculum and providing students with the best possible and age-appropriate, sexual health information at all grade levels. In fact, it’s long overdue.
In 2010, the Liberals quietly released revised Health and Physical Education based on two years of consultations with experts, but quickly withdrew the sections on human development and sexual health after an outcry from some parents and organizations. At the time, they promised additional consultation. It has taken the Liberals five years to follow through. The government conducted consultation in November 2014 with one parent from each school via an online survey. They also consulted parent groups, such as People for Education, Families for Catholic Education and the Ontario Home School Association, and student groups.
Please note that this curriculum is government policy and will be implemented without a vote from the Legislature.
Prior to the release of the new Health and Physical Education curriculum, Ontario had the most outdated curriculum in the country. For students, education advocates and teachers in all four publicly-funded school boards, the curriculum was considered a relic from 1998, which, for reference, is the same year that Google was founded.
The new curriculum brings Ontario in line with the rest of Canada, and the high standards set by international health experts. In the 1998 curriculum, Grade 1 students were to be able to identify the major parts of the body by their proper names. The 2015 version is merely more explicit about the importance of pushing past euphemisms with first graders to use the precise terminology of body parts.
Consider that the World Health Organization’s 2010 Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe establishes the naming of body parts as a skills objective for children up to the age of 4.
The biggest gains have been won in the areas of gender identity, sexual orientation and different types of family structures. Grade 8 is when students in Ontario will be expected to demonstrate an awareness and acceptance of transgender, transsexual, intersex and two-spirited gender identifications. To help keep young girls safe concepts of informed consent and, crucially, the communication of consent become part of Grade 7 instruction.
As for the high school curriculum, heavy emphasis will be placed, appropriately, on mental health, the causes and manifestations of addictions, critical thinking, body awareness, STIs and sense of self.
The Ontario NDP agrees with Ontario Elementary Catholic Teachers Association and Sam Hammond, president of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), who said the curriculum provides 21st century life skills that need to be learned from a young age.
“It’s important that teachers have up-to-date information and resources so that we can help students make decisions about their health and well-being in age-appropriate ways. Having new material related to issues such as healthy relationships, consent, mental health, online safety and the risks of sexting will help address the increasingly complex issues that students face today.”
The world has changed a lot in the last 16 years since our sex education curriculum was last updated. The important thing is that young people deserve an education program that meets the needs of 2015 so they can be safe and stay healthy.
You may find this website helpful. A Christian Parents’ Guide to the New Sex Ed Curriculum:
I hope this answers your question.
Andrea Houston
Executive Assistant to Cheri DiNovo, MPP
Parkdale-High Park
A oto przykład kolejnego listu, do którego można się odnieść, wysyłając listy protestacyjne do premiera i posłów (MPP).
START OF RYAN’s LETTER --------------------
Dear Premier:
Further to the comments that you made earlier today at Queen's Park to Monte McNaughton, I would still like to know what makes you qualified to advise how, when and what my two daughters are taught regarding human sexuality. I assure you that neither your position as Premier, nor your status as a woman, nor your status as a mother, nor your status as a former school trustee, nor your Master's Degree, nor your status as the former Minister of Education qualify you in the least. The reality is that nothing qualifies you or your government to provide the moral framework within which my children are to be taught about human sexuality.
Ms. Premier, if you are so passionate about the new sex education curriculum, then why didn't you have the courage of your convictions to run on that policy last spring during the election? Surely you knew that you would have been soundly defeated, just as your predecessor had been on this particular issue when he tried to sneak it through the legislature n 2010. And yet your government pretends that the opponents of this curriculum are a small minority of religious fanatics! The reality is that the vast majority of parents in this province do not want your pet social engineering project passed. These people are not merely the knuckle dragging, religious people that you and your Minister of Education loathe so much. They come from various educational and cultural backgrounds. I, for one, am a lawyer and my wife is a public school teacher. We do not neatly fit your stereotypes, and we abhor the cradle-to-grave Ontario that you are creating; an Ontario that is both morally and financially bankrupt.
By the way, Ms. Sandals' comments today which linked opponents of your legislation with those who oppose the teaching of evolution were quite condescending and intolerant. You, of all people, should not stand for such intolerance. The tolerance that has been extended to you as a lesbian woman should also be extended by you, and your cabinet, to religious minorities who do not share your views (and with whom you profoundly disagree).
I implore you on behalf of the parents of this province, and their impressionable children (who cannot speak for themselves), to change your policy on this matter immediately.
Ryan McConaghy